Graphing the number of connections

Blue Bar separator

Someone recently asked in the Wireshark mailing list how to graph the number of concurrent connections. They were having connection problems and thought the issue might be that they were reaching some kind of connection limit.

Their idea was to filter on

((tcp.flags.syn == 1) || (tcp.flags.fin == 1) || (tcp.flags.reset == 1))
And somehow graph that.

My first idea was the following, which increments a counter when a SYN is encountered and decrements it when a FIN or reset is encountered.

c=0 tshark -r foo.pcap -Y "not tcp.analysis.retransmission && (tcp.flags.syn == 1 || \             
tcp.flags.fin == 1 || tcp.flags.reset == 1)" -T fields -e tcp.flags.syn \        
-e tcp.flags.fin -e tcp.flags.reset -e frame.time | \
while read s f r t; do ((c=$c+$s-$f-$r)); echo $c $s $f $r $t;done > foo
Figure 1 - Simple count of SYN/FIN/Reset flags

The file it produces looks like this

1 1 0 0 May 28, 2016 12:02:44.263230000 MST                                                        
0 0 0 1 May 28, 2016 12:02:44.263326000 MST
1 1 0 0 May 28, 2016 12:02:46.569521000 MST
2 1 0 0 May 28, 2016 12:02:46.578316000 MST
3 1 0 0 May 28, 2016 12:02:52.548046000 MST
4 1 0 0 May 28, 2016 12:02:52.584299000 MST
5 1 0 0 May 28, 2016 12:03:16.492966000 MST
6 1 0 0 May 28, 2016 12:03:16.504803000 MST
7 1 0 0 May 28, 2016 12:03:16.893381000 MST
8 1 0 0 May 28, 2016 12:03:16.896286000 MST
9 1 0 0 May 28, 2016 12:03:16.905060000 MST
. . . .
7 0 1 0 May 28, 2016 12:06:39.951775000 MST
6 0 0 1 May 28, 2016 12:06:44.909956000 MST
5 0 1 0 May 28, 2016 12:07:00.518477000 MST
4 0 1 0 May 28, 2016 12:07:00.520552000 MST
3 0 1 0 May 28, 2016 12:07:00.520836000 MST
2 0 1 0 May 28, 2016 12:07:00.521076000 MST
Figure 2 - Output file from simple count

You can then graph the count in the first column

. . .
gnuplot> set xdata time
gnuplot> set timefmt "%H:%M:%S"
gnuplot> set xrange ["12:02:40":"12:07:15"]
gnuplot> set format x "%H:%M:S"
gnuplot> plot "foo" using 8:1 title "connection count"
Figure 3 - Graph of simple count

This however produces an inaccurate count. First, there are two SYNs when a connection is set up so the number of connections are doubled. There are also two FINs so it balances out when the connection is closed. However, there can also be a reset so this can produce an overall negative count; or at least a count that is too low. See figures 4 and 5. The reset occurs if the socket has already been destroyed when a segment is received.

$ tshark -r foo.pcap -Y "tcp.port == 47620"
8863 249.537673 -> TCP 74 47620 -> 80 [SYN] Seq=0 Win=29200 Len=0 MSS=14
60 SACK_PERM=1 TSval=174847636 TSecr=0 WS=128
8864 249.570230 -> TCP 74 80 -> 47620 [SYN, ACK] Seq=0 Ack=1 Win=28960 L
en=0 MSS=1460 SACK_PERM=1 TSval=330175018 TSecr=174847636 WS=128
8865 249.570351 -> TCP 66 47620 -> 80 [ACK] Seq=1 Ack=1 Win=29312 Len=0 
TSval=174847644 TSecr=330175018
8866 249.570649 -> OCSP 500 Request
8868 249.606988 -> TCP 66 80 -> 47620 [ACK] Seq=1 Ack=435 Win=30080 Len=
0 TSval=330175055 TSecr=174847644
8869 249.608456 -> OCSP 1514 . . . 
8870 249.608510 -> TCP 66 47620 -> 80 [ACK] Seq=435 Ack=1449 Win=32128 L
en=0 TSval=174847653 TSecr=330175056
8871 249.608529 -> TCP 954 80 -> 47620 [PSH, ACK] Seq=1449 Ack=435 Win=3
0080 Len=888 TSval=330175056 TSecr=174847644
8872 249.608546 -> TCP 66 47620 -> 80 [ACK] Seq=435 Ack=2337 Win=35072 L
en=0 TSval=174847653 TSecr=330175056
8873 249.608551 -> TCP 66 80 -> 47620 [FIN, ACK] Seq=2337 Ack=435 Win=30
080 Len=0 TSval=330175056 TSecr=174847644
8874 249.608970 -> TCP 66 47620 -> 80 [FIN, ACK] Seq=435 Ack=2338 Win=35
072 Len=0 TSval=174847653 TSecr=330175056
8875 249.643264 -> TCP 66 80 -> 47620 [ACK] Seq=2338 Ack=436 Win=30080 L
en=0 TSval=330175092 TSecr=174847653
9751 254.567151 -> TCP 60 80 -> 47620 [RST] Seq=2338 Win=0 Len=0
Figure 4 - TCP Stream with FINs and a Reset

Depending on timing there can be multiple resets.

$ tshark -r foo.pcap -Y "tcp.port == 49800"
895  46.982070 -> TCP 74 49800 -> 80 [SYN] Seq=0 Win=29200 Len=0 MSS=14
60 SACK_PERM=1 TSval=174796997 TSecr=0 WS=128
896  46.991061 -> TCP 74 80 -> 49800 [SYN, ACK] Seq=0 Ack=1 Win=8192 Le
n=0 MSS=1440 WS=256 SACK_PERM=1 TSval=53310623 TSecr=174796997
897  46.991150 -> TCP 66 49800 -> 80 [ACK] Seq=1 Ack=1 Win=29312 Len=0 
TSval=174796999 TSecr=53310623
898  46.991360 -> HTTP 975 GET /rms. . ..
933  47.008920 -> TCP 66 80 -> 49800 [ACK] Seq=1 Ack=910 Win=131584 Len
=0 TSval=53310625 TSecr=174796999
. . . .
2139  54.928109 -> HTTP/XML 1291 POST /fd/. . . . 
2140  54.932100 -> TCP 66 49800 -> 80 [FIN, ACK] Seq=7390 Ack=56376 Win
=147968 Len=0 TSval=174798984 TSecr=53311285
2145  54.944292 -> TCP 66 [TCP Dup ACK 2097#1] 80 -> 49800 [ACK] Seq=56
376 Ack=6165 Win=131584 Len=0 TSval=53311418 TSecr=174798655
2146  54.944318 -> TCP 66 80 -> 49800 [ACK] Seq=56376 Ack=7391 Win=1303
04 Len=0 TSval=53311418 TSecr=174798983
2149  54.948783 -> HTTP 149 HTTP/1.1 204 OK 
2150  54.948819 -> TCP 54 49800 -> 80 [RST] Seq=7391 Win=0 Len=0
2151  54.948844 -> TCP 66 80 -> 49800 [FIN, ACK] Seq=56459 Ack=7391 Win
=130304 Len=0 TSval=53311419 TSecr=174798983
2152  54.948857 -> TCP 54 49800 -> 80 [RST] Seq=7391 Win=0 Len=0
Figure 5 - TCP Stream with multiple Resets

We could filter on just SYN-ACKs and FIN-ACKs from the server but this would leave the count too high since resets for other reasons would not be counted.

The following 2 commands produce something that should give a good estimation but is slow.

The first command is a multi-pass through the trace file, so a large trace file with many connections will take some time. I've added some color coding to help with the explanation.

for x in $(tshark -r foo.pcap -T fields -e | sort -u)
    do tshark -r foo.pcap -Y " == $x" -T fields -e frame.number -e tcp.seq \
    -e tcp.ack -e tcp.flags.syn -e tcp.flags.fin -e tcp.flags.reset -e tcp.flags.ack \
    -e frame.time > /tmp/stream.txt
    awk '{if (($2 > 1) || ($3 > 1)) print "1 \t 0 \t" $1 "\t" $(NF-1)}' /tmp/stream.txt | head -1
    awk '{if ((($2 > 1) || ($3 > 1)) && (($5 == 1) || ($6 == 1))) \
        print "0 \t 1 \t" $1 "\t" $(NF-1)}' /tmp/stream.txt | head -1
    done > /tmp/foo.txt                                                                            
Figure 6 - Multi-pass command for a better estimation of existing connections

The first pass enumerates the number of TCP streams and then there is a loop going over all the streams 1 at a time. For each stream a temporary file, /tmp/stream.txt, is written with the frame number, relative sequence and ack numbers, the SYN, FIN, RESET and ACK flags and finally the time for each segment in the stream. Then there are two passes over that file. The first pass attempts to figure out if there is a valid connection and if so when it starts. It does this by looking for segments with either a relative sequence number or an ACK number greater than 1. This is not perfect, if there is a connection established and neither host sends anything for 10 minutes this will time the connection as starting at that 10 minute mark. If there is only 1 data segment in the trace it will not count it at all. But it will catch connections where the trace does not include the SYN segments. The time will be recorded at the first data segment and not the actual start of the connection but I think it is better than nothing. It will also not count (correctly I think) as connections TCP streams with just SYN or SYN-ACK segments. However, if a server has a connection in a TIME-WAIT state and a new connection request is received for that connection the ACK coming back has sequence and ACK numbers > 1 so this is counted, which is probably incorrect. The connection should be reset immediately so at least the connection doesn't last very long. The second pass tries to figure out when the connection is terminated. It looks for a FIN or reset flag equal to 1 but also requires that the sequence or ack number be greater than 1. Again, this is not perfect, it will not count a stream with only a reset. It might also record a stream as starting and stopping at with the same segment. See stream 0 in figure 7 below. With only 2 segments the first segment has relative sequence numbers as 1, it is not until the second segment that the sequence number is greater than 1 and that is the FIN. Actually I am not sure this should be counted at all. It will correctly (again, in my "humble" opinion) ignore a SYN followed by a RESET.

$ tshark -r foo.pcap -Y " == 0" -z proto,colinfo,tcp.seq,tcp.seq \
     -z proto,colinfo,tcp.ack,tcp.ack -z proto,colinfo,tcp.flags.fin,tcp.flags.fin \
     -z proto,colinfo,tcp.flags.reset,tcp.flags.reset
  8   5.233711 -> TLSv1.2 106 Application Data  tcp.flags.reset == 0  
tcp.flags.fin == 0  tcp.ack == 1  tcp.seq == 1
691  38.600479 -> TLSv1.2 97 Encrypted Alert  tcp.flags.reset == 0  tc
p.flags.fin == 1  tcp.ack == 1  tcp.seq == 41
Figure 7 - Stream 0 - not handled as well as it could be -- maybe

The output file looks like

1 	 0 	691	12:03:08.943284000                                                         
0 	 1 	691	12:03:08.943284000
1 	 0 	262	12:02:53.092178000
0 	 1 	8635	12:05:48.116555000
1 	 0 	316	12:02:53.576701000
0 	 1 	8652	12:05:49.114736000
. . . . .
1 	 0 	105	12:02:48.253494000
0 	 1 	7513	12:04:43.498940000
1 	 0 	143	12:02:52.623879000
0 	 1 	7544	12:04:48.500069000
1 	 0 	150	12:02:52.729719000
0 	 1 	9764	12:06:49.132441000
Figure 8 - raw data file before sorting or counting

The second command sorts the output from the first command by the frame number in column 3 to get the frames back into the correct order. It then starts a running total of the connections, incrementing the count by 1 for each "1 0" and decrementing for each "0 1" writing the running total and the flags and the time into a file which you can then graph.

cat /tmp/foo.txt | sort -nk 3 | \
while read s fr frame time; do ((c=$c+$s-$fr)); echo $c $s $fr $frame $time;done > /tmp/foo        
Figure 9 - command to sort and count the raw data file

The file looks like

1 1 0 29 12:02:45.629030000                                                                        
2 1 0 43 12:02:46.485137000
3 1 0 62 12:02:46.592322000
4 1 0 105 12:02:48.253494000
. . . . .
5 0 1 9828 12:07:00.518477000
4 0 1 9832 12:07:00.520836000
5 1 0 9872 12:07:23.375770000
4 0 1 9903 12:07:23.876601000
Figure 10 - Output file from more complex count

And the graph looks like

. . . .
gnuplot> set xdata time
gnuplot> set timefmt "%H:%M:%S"
gnuplot> set xrange ["12:02:40":"12:07:15"]
gnuplot> set format x "%H:%M:S"
gnuplot> plot "foo" using 5:1 title "connection count"
Figure 11 - Graph of more complex count

This turned out to be a much more complicated exercise than 1 expected. Exactly how should TCP streams with just 1 data segment or just a FIN or RESET or no actual data segments be handled? There is certainly argument for different choices. I am not completely happy with what I have but I think it is a much better count then just counting SYNs, FINs, and resets even if it is not perfect.

Blue Bar separator
This page was last modified on 16-06-05
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